So these photos are interesting huh? I took them in my boyfriends garden/house. I shot them on Ilford 3200 which I rated at 1600 and developed as normal, it's apparently meant to work better and produce less grain but doesn't seem to in this case. They are also very fogged, I can't make out whether its to do with light fogging in my camera or it's some dodgy chemical that my fella used when he developed the film. He thinks it's made them look better than they would've been but I'm not so sure, i like having nice unfogged negatives that I can work with rather than having negatives that i can't really do anything with other than scan and crop. But you decide whether you like them or not. Ooh, they were also shot with a Close-up +4 filter!
So after the cleaning and sanding and painting, the next stage to building a darkroom is to start sawing, drilling and screwing. These photos are of my boyfriend putting up two bracket type things for a worksurface to eventually go on top of. I naturally just got in the way and sat on the wood to hold it still for him whilst he was sawing it. These were taken on my mini diana with Kodak colour plus 200 film. It's quite a hard camera to get used to, I thought I was lining it up right but wasn't and was getting good multiple exposures that were a little off. Maybe one day all will become clearer, the question is, will that day be boring and lacking the element of surprise?!
A few taken at Wollaton Park and in the city centre... Lazy I know but there's a big hair in the photo of the bridge and I couldn't be bothered to re-scan it! I just want to get this darkroom done and print in there!!