Sunday, 17 July 2011

Laura Payne Collection.

 This is a shoot I did for fashion student, Laura Payne. Her menswear is based on classic French style. The two shirts pictured above and below are from a competition run by leading shirt brand Hawes and Curtis. 

Model: Thomas Stead
MUA: Sarah Vaites

Ashleigh Turner Hair Design.

I've been really bad and haven't blogged this month, not because I'm lazy or anything but because I haven't had a proper internet connection, was lent a dongle but boy was it slow! I sent an email with a few small low res jpegs in it, it took over half an hour to upload. Anywho, less of my moaning.
These images are my favourites from a shoot that I did for Ashleigh Turner Hair Design, they were to enter into the British Hairdresser Awards, we wanted to keep them nice and simple so we went for white bckground and black clothing. I then desaturated them a little in post production and put this nice border around them. Like I said, these are my favourite shots but are not the ones that Ashleigh entered into the competition.


Model: Georgina Stokes

Ashleigh had organised 5 models for the shoot even though she only needed 4 different images, 2 of the models didn't turn up so this is Emma, she did the make up for the shoot and we made her model for us too! She was a star!! The models were also given two different hair styles so that Ashleigh would havep plenty to choose from for her entry.

Model: Jamie Deacon

Model: Chloe Francis

Ashleigh is available for weddings, photographic shoots and much more. She's currently having a website revamp so you can take a look at her blog instead :)