Friday, 22 February 2013

The life of a babywearer.

Babywearing is something that's very dear to me and I've decided to start a project documenting the life of a babywearer, once completed it's going to look beautiful and hopefully will inspire many parents who know little about it to research and try it out with their bubbas. 
Unfortunately for me Louie didn't enjoy being worn in the first few months, although it didn't stop him being carried whilst we had to push his pushchair! My back was very thankful when our cheapy Palm and Pond mei tai finally worked for us! For 6 months now we've ditched the puschair and carried him everyday, shopping, to baby groups, on buses, whilst cooking/cleaning, during teething and most importantly for us, to help make nap times easier. He loves being carried by me, and it's only natural, all babies love being held by their mothers and I love the closeness we share too.
With the love of babywearing, comes a love of all things sling. There really is one for everyone and if you don't believe me I could show you some online groups that will persuade you! Mei Tai, Stretchy wrap, woven wrap, ring sling, buckles, conversions. Oh and the sizes, the colour ways, the fabric blends and if you can't find something you like there are many many people who will make you your babywearing desire! Since Louie came along 10 months ago I have aquired and unacquired a Baba Sling, a ring sling, a mei tai and 5 woven wraps! I'm definitely a wrapper but have just found a wrap conversion mei tai I just NEED! Haha, anyway, I've digressed... back to the point of this blog...
For about a week or so now I have had a bit of a poorly foot... some new shoes and lots have walking are the culprit, boooo! So this week on Tuesday I decided to brave the buggy! Not to much avail as my terribly grumpy baby did not want to be in the thing, can't blame him really...he couldn't see me, talk to me or feel my warmth on his face when he fell asleep. AND I was constantly pushing him into roads with big scary cars on them. And needless to say I hated it, it's cumbersome (and mines a small one in comparison to others out there) and there's nothing more amazing than walking along and having your little one babble away in your ear, but I just couldn't interact with him! They do have their place for people I'm sure, and for those who can't babywear for medical reasons, it's just not for us! So as my young one didn't want to be pushed around, much like when he was wee, it was up to my good friend and model for this project to comfort him so I could keep extra pressure off my foot! Naturally this made for a great photo opportunity, and this photo is a sneak peek into a project that will probably become one of my favourites, will hopefully inspire non babywearers and  will make current babywearers coo and giggle! 

This is Mayita, tying a tandem carry with her Arlo on the back and my Louie on her front! :)


Thursday, 21 February 2013

Babies babies everywhere...

On a Tuesday morning I go to a mother and baby group at a local pub. There's about 8 of us that meet up every week, except when we have other baby engagements! 5 of the girls have known each other for quite sometime and all got pregnant within weeks of each other!! I like to take my camera to the pub sometimes and snap away, I can't help myself, the bubbas are just so cute!! On this occasion however, we're missing Caitlin, Arlo and my Louie... I'll get ya next time!!
Here, for your viewing pleasure are Harry, Enna, Allanah, Dylan and Toby. Whoever says babies look the same are wrong, wrong, so wrong!

How adorable!?

Imagine what I could in an hour portrait session! If you're thinking of booking a session for your children please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

A 1st Birthday.

Louie's little bestie had his 1st birthday a few weeks ago and I had the pleasure of taking photos at the joint (3 bubba's) party! Fun was had by all and I have been inspired to get my boy a tunnel for his first birthday which is extremely soon! Eeeeek!
Here's a few of my favourites, babies galore, enjoy...

If you have an event you'd like me to photograph please contact me at


Katherine Kerrison Bridal Shoot

As my blog presence has been extremely quite since September just gone, I'm going to do a bit of a catch up on shoots and photos I took between then and now.
Back in November I did a shoot for one of my favourite local clothing designers, Katherine Kerrison. We've shot together about 6 times now, I'm beginning to think she's as much of a fan of me as I am of her! The weather wasn't great and we'd orginally planned to shoot outdoors, fortunately for us, Katherine's house made a lovely backdrop for her beautiful dresses! Always have a back-up plan! :)
Here's a few of my favourites from the shoot!
Hair by; Ayesha Caunt-Buonocore
Make-up; Sarah Vaites
Dresses by; Katherine Kerrison
Model; Georgia Vitkute

Katherine#s bridal dresses are stunning so if you've just got engaged and are wondering where to buy your dress from, look no further!!

 A couple of my images were also featured in the Nottingham Eveing Post's Weekend Magazine in November too, here's a peek...


All Things Nice

Recently I have taken up jewellery making, well shrink plastic jewellery anyway. I've set up an Etsy shop to sell the wares and did a lookbook shoot for it today. One of my favourite local models dropped by and patiently waited for me to put finishing touches to some of the items, unprofessional I know, good job she likes me. (That and I threw her a pair of my teacup earrings to say thanks! Hehe!)
Here's a little sneak peek of what we shot. 
Many images to get through so bear with me and saty tuned!


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Back again!

It's been a too long since I last blogged, partly been busy, partly not been bothered about blogging, which is bad, I know! Well, I'm back and I'm going to share a few behind the scenes photos from a shoot I did today! It was a little personal shoot in the comfort of my own home with great models, mua and a hair stylist I've worked with before. A couple of dresses borrowed from my favourite local designer. 3 models, 3 looks. A deer, a unicorn and a birds nest. I've just done the first pick of the images and I'm very pleased and can't wait for you to see the final results!! 

Samantha -x-