Today I went to the University Park with my friend Gemma and her son Daniel. The weather had turned out a lot better than we expected which was nice and we had a nice walk round. It was a bit of a panic filled day in the end! We were very low on baby wipes and there was ice-cream and poo all over the show! Gemma had left her back behind somewhere in the park and had to run back in the hope of finding it! After that she kindly offered me a lift home and I lazyily took one and it's a good job I took Gem up on her offer otherwise I'd have walked for atleast an hour and half before getting home to find that I'd lost my keys!! Doh! Then as we were working out the plan of action outside my flat, I was emptying my back and then putting it all back, after we'd set off I panicked that I'd left my camera on the floor!! Anyway, it all worked out in the end, we manged with the baby wipes we had, Gem retrieved her bag okay, I eventually got into my flat and I didn't leave my camera anywhere! Phew!!
I shot this photo on the way around the park!
Had a little play with this one, as they're playing a game in the woods I wanted to make it look all magical. What do you think?
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