Wednesday 25 July 2012


Today I took my new pedometer for a spin, I walked to Wollaton Park, around the lake, up to the hall, down the hill and out of the other side of the park. I then walked to my local co-op to pick up some food and then went back home! I was cream crackered after that. All of that walking plus a little pottering around the flat meant I took 12,500 steps today! Apparently it's suggested that you should walk 10,000 steps a day, I don't know how average 9-5 Joe is supposed to do that, I walked pretty far today (maybe it was just because of the heavy load I was pushing too). The weather started off pretty cloudy which suited me fine really but then he got really hot and sunny. This is one of the first photos I took as I entered the park. I like it because the whole frame is full and there's layers and nice colours...

Taking Louie to his little friends house tomorrow for a paddle in her pool! :)


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